BLM GROUP Blog - great constructions

8 min read

LT14 and LT24, the new competitiveness of laser

Apr 26, 2020 11:31:22 AM

Innovating is not only an exercise of ingenuity aimed at increasing your profit margin. Today more than ever, it is a necessity because the world is changing and with it are the needs of customers and the technological solutions to satisfy them.

From the structural point of view, Lasertube systems are an integral part of this technological change and are actively contributing to the innovation process of many companies bringing about major benefits:

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5 min read

Building with steel: the real benefits of today and tomorrow

Mar 30, 2020 12:42:24 PM

The use of steel for structural applications is extremely significant and is estimated to grow in the future for residential and non-residential buildings.

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4 min read

Being innovative to stay always a step ahead of your competitors

Feb 17, 2020 3:35:53 PM

“You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.” 

This well-known quote by Albert Einstein captures a key concept for anyone wanting to gain a firm footing on today's ever-changing and competitive market that can be summed up as:

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