3 min read

Flexibility as a fundamental weapon against Covid-19

Mar 25, 2020 6:26:33 PM

The breakout of COVID-19 is causing major upheavals both in people's lives and in the manufacturing world. One of the main problems that even the most developed nations are facing is a shortage of personal protection equipment: masks, glasses, gowns, safety suits, fans, etc.


Facing the emergency with production conversion

The current crisis has caught the traditional manufacturers of these devices unprepared and unable to respond to the rapidly increasing demand. It’s prompted many governments to encourage non-traditional manufacturers to assist with the production of these types of goods.


face shield for nurse and doctor made by 3D laser cuttingOne of the main problems that even the most developed nations are facing is a shortage of personal protection equipment: masks, glasses, gowns, safety suits, fans, etc.


Shifting production during favorable economic conditions can be challenging for many companies. When a sudden event occurs that disrupts, or even halts, day-to-day operations, many manufacturers are forced to make difficult business decisions. The ability to quickly adapt and react in unprecedented times gives manufacturers significant advantages.

In this regard, flexible production systems can represent a key, not only to produce what the market needs anytime even in an emergency, but also to support its business and its employees: that's the case of Technique Inc.


Technique Inc. quickly shifted its production to face shields thanks to LT-FREE system

Like many southeastern Michigan manufactures, Technique, based in Jackson, MI, concentrates on the production of metal profiles such as tubes and stamped components primarily for the automotive industry.


ace shield aluminum part made by 3D laser cutting machineTechnique developed its first prototype of a fully reusable face shield and immediately began production, thanks to the flexibility of LT-FREE 5-axis laser cutting system.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, orders from the automotive sector have drastically reduced and posed a serious threat to maintaining the company's 160 employees.

Given the large demand for face shields, essential equipment for doctors and nurses to treat COVID-19 patients safely, Technique quickly devised a plan that would not only save jobs, but also provide critical personal protection equipment to hospitals around the world.

Technique developed its first prototype of a fully reusable face shield and immediately began production


lt-free with double work chambersThe two work chambers boost productivity by processing parts in parallel.


The two work chambers boost productivity by processing parts in parallel. The laser cutting, as well as loading and unloading operations, are independent to avoid work cycle interruption. This allows Technique to produce 2000 to 5000 face shields per day!


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The use of the LT-FREE has allowed Technique Inc. to quickly adapt its production and manufacture an essential product to guarantee the safety of doctors and nurses in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.





Technique Inc.

Shifting production to face shields