BLM GROUP Blog - efficiency

7 min read

Lasertube LT8 – choose the configuration that suits your requirement

Jun 25, 2021 9:13:59 AM

BLM GROUP debuted the LT8 in 2006. It became an instant success. Over the years the technology evolved and the LT8 became LT8.10 and later the LT8.20. The LT8 family is the most popular Laser tube cutting system in the world. 

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8 min read

Automation is renewed and slashes production costs

May 5, 2021 6:00:11 PM

It has been years since there has been such an upheaval in the world of automation and not only in the manufacturing field. We can talk about a real "Renaissance" or as it has been called by theorists a new industrial revolution, (the fourth to be precise).

New technologies, process data collection and analysis, increasingly sophisticated simulations, digital twins, widespread connectivity at various levels (WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet and soon 5G), all accompanied by the ever-present and promising growth of artificial intelligence.

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7 min read

Industry 4.0 platform provides integration for tubular products

Jul 8, 2020 9:15:00 AM

Many tube fabricators use a different programming platform for each machine, which leads to some specific inefficiencies. Connecting two or more processes together using Industry 4.0 technology platforms provides a seamless operation in programming, fabricating, and process validation.

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8 min read

Metal Cutting: Which technologies will propel you to the top of your sector?

Sep 16, 2019 10:27:09 AM

Innovation, essential to excel in metal cutting. To say that innovation is important today is almost an understatement, given that technological progress is affecting every industrial sector.

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